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 Read Before Posting

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Posts : 1253
Join date : 2007-11-29
Age : 34

Read Before Posting Empty
PostSubject: Read Before Posting   Read Before Posting EmptyWed Jul 01, 2009 7:20 pm

-To Become a Moderator You Need to Complete The Following Sentences.

-Real Name:
-Ingame Name:
-Old / Other Ingame Names:
-Favorite Maps/Weapons/Etc:
-Why Do You Want To Be a Moderator:
-Do you have mod experience? If yes, which server(s)?:
-Favorite Renegade Servers:
-Renegade Experience (years/months):
-Are You Prepared To Wait +-15 Minutes In The Server For People To Join:
-How Many Hours Do You Spend on Renegade daily?
-Anything else you would like to add?

Moderators have to be active on the Forums.
News and important info will be posted here.
Be sure you are active at IRC as much as possible. Every time you start your computer ( start IRC too )

Be sure you always play on the same nickname. Thats the only way for us to check your activity. Only use another nickname if your watching someone you suspect ingame.
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